January 18, 2007

Cheese Quiz

1.Which cheese is the most widely purchased and consumed in the world?

2.What is the technical name for small mozzarella balls?

3.Which of the following means cheese in Italian:




4.True or False: Cottage cheese that has been firmly pressed into a block creates farmers' cheese.

5.What was the first cheese produced in the U.S.?

6.True or False: Mold develops on the outer surface of blue cheese and then distributes inward.

7.In 1872, which cheese was created by mistake while trying to duplicate Neufchâtel in the U.S.?

8.What cheese is named after the town in Wisconsin where it originated?





9.How many pounds of whole milk does it take to make one pound of whole milk cheese?

10.What cheese has a natural rind that is hand-rubbed with oil, cocoa and pepper?

11.What seed produces the vegetable dye used to create orange Cheddar cheese?

12.What is a cheese borer?

13.Wrapping mild provolone around sweet cream butter produces what type of cheese?

14.Monks in medieval monasteries originally created which cheese?

15.If cheese develops mold, you should?

Close your eyes and hope it disappears

Cut away the moldy surface ½" to 1" in depth

Wash the cheese with soapy water

16.Cheese melts best when (pick 2):

It is melted directly over high heat

It is melted in a double boiler over low heat

Melted in one large piece

It is cut into small cubes or shredded

17.True or False: The smaller the curd, the firmer the cheese.

18.Feta cheese is aged in a __________ solution?

19.To reduce the salt content of feta before serving:

Store in Heidi's desk drawer for one week

Soak in cold water or milk

Rub with olive oil

20."Cheddaring" refers to:

The process of turning and stacking slabs of curd to release whey and press the curds together

Wrapping cheese in a cheesecloth

The aging process

21.What element is responsible for creating the holes found in Swiss cheese?

22.The name brick cheese originated because:

Bricks were used to build the first cheese factories

Cheesemakers originally used bricks to press moisture out of the cheese

The cheese was extremely hard to cut

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